The USV Annals of Economics and Public Administration, Vol 8 (2008)

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Analysis of variance used in the study of the relationship between variables

Elisabeta Roşca


The paper "Analysis of Variance Used in the Study of the Relationship between Variables" presents an introduction in ANOVA, which has a different methodology depending on the number of factors taken into study. The paper emphasizes that ANOVA can be used in the case in which for the independent variable has used a simple group, but the dependent variable is presented under the form of variants in case of each group or when was used a combined group for both variables. The ANOVA involved also the used of Fischer -Snedecor test for testing the signification of group factors. The paper present the basic concepts and metho dology of ANOVA and the unifactorial and bifactorial methodology of analysis of variance introduction in ANOVA, which has a different methodology depending on the number of factors taken into study. The paper emphasizes that ANOVA can be used in the case in which for the independent variable has used a simple group, but the dependent variable is presented under the form of variants in case of each group or when was used a combined group for both variables. The ANOVA involved also the used of Fischer -Snedecor test for testing the signification of group factors. The paper present the basic concepts and metho dology of ANOVA and the unifactorial and bifactorial methodology of analysis of variance introduction in ANOVA, which has a different methodology depending on the number of factors taken into study. The paper emphasizes that ANOVA can be used in the case in which for the independent variable has used a simple group, but the dependent variable is presented under the form of variants in case of each group or when was used a combined group for both variables. The ANOVA involved also the used of Fischer -Snedecor test for testing the signification of group factors. The paper present the basic concepts and metho dology of ANOVA and the unifactorial and bifactorial methodology of analysis of variance.

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                     Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava                   Faculty of Economics, Administration and Business


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