The USV Annals of Economics and Public Administration, Vol 20, No 2(32) (2020)

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Decentralized Autonomous Organizations as the New Form of Economic Cooperation in Digital World

Denys Virovets, Sergiy Obushnyi


Abstract. This paper draws the concept of the decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO) as new opportunities for digital economy and new form of digital cooperation with economic potential of DAO, as well as reveals the main problems and risks associated with functioning of DAO. Quick development of technology and digitalization of society, increase in the number of modern electronic devices will lead to new forms of cooperation, where borders and distances will not be an obstacle to combining human efforts and resources. One of the forms of such cooperation should be DAO as a reliable and effective substitute for the institution of economic mediation and traditional legal forms. Despite the attractive optimization of a number of processes due to digital freedom and low bureaucracy, a number of issues related to protocol security, legal uncertainty and temporary complexity of the internal mechanism remain unresolved.


Modern blockchain technology is becoming a platform for capital formation, where cryptocurrencies and digital assets can be moved directly within DAO itself or with another compatible DAO. That allows the creation of organizations in which participants maintain direct real-time control of contributed funds where the governance rules are formalized, automated and enforced using software. While DAOs have been discussed and experimented with for the last five years, only now have they become the logical extension of the capital formation piece. The opportunities ahead will be in the formation of new types of organizations based around the interactions between digital stake holders and decentralized governance. Despite the potential that DAOs present, they face challenges from legal, governance and security perspectives.


We are convinced that new forms of economic cooperation based on blockchain and DAO technologies may open up shortcomings in the near future, and we know how to implement them in national platforms adapted to modern legislation that promotes economic progress and global cooperation. Also we believe that DAO should become a separate economic system based on the idea of Seconomics end Robonomics, where the digital economy is seen as an integral part of CyberSecurity.


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                     Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava                   Faculty of Economics, Administration and Business


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